Custom Systems

We have a vast array of tools in our toolbox to apply heat or automate your process, however sometimes your process requires that we develop a combination of existing products or design a new product to achieve the requirement of your process. Across a lot of industries, the engineering staff has been trimmed, and work previously done in-house now must be completed outside. We have the technical staff to analyze your ideas and input, complete engineering analysis, propose and build a custom system that meets your needs.

Your challenging application is where we think the fun begins. Our engineering staff is ready to discuss your process and from that conjure up a design that will accomplish your objectives. This CustomIR solution may be something as simple as, a frame with proper mounting brackets to fit on an existing machine, or may be a 40’ long conveyorized system with integrated chiller for cooling, compressed air supply and full blown integrated PLC and DCS supervisory control. The custom systems we have created range from large to small, simple to complex and across industries from aerospace to water. If you have a heat or control related challenge, contact us!

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